Saturday 2 March 2013


Martinez asked Arias yet again to take the court through the act of killing Alexander. She contended that she killed Alexander in self-defense when he became enraged and attacked her during a nude photo shoot at his home. While taking the photos, Arias says she accidentally dropped Alexander's camera, he became infuriated, and the next thing she knew, he slammed her into the floor of the bathroom. "At that point, Travis flipped out," Arias said, and called her a "stupid idiot," USA Today reported.
Soon after, Arias said, Alexander was chasing her down the hall of the bathroom and she ran into a walk-in closet where she remembered he kept a gun. "He had already almost killed me," she said. "I was terrified."
Martinez then noted photographs taken by police of the crime scene seemed inconsistent with her version of the killing. He drew the court's attention to the fact that nothing in the crime scene appeared to have been disturbed by what Arias has claimed was an extremely violent "frantic" brawl that led to Alexander's killing.
Arias has already admitted to lying about Alexander's death to just about everyone. She first claimed she was never at Alexander's home the day he was killed, then she invented the masked intruder angle, and finally she backtracked to admit she killed the victim, but claimed it was in self-defense, as he attacked her in the shower, forcing her to fight for her life.  

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