Tuesday 26 March 2013


A teenager who killed her boyfriend found out she was pregnant with his child on the night she stabbed him with a kitchen knife.
The offender was sentenced in the Northern Territory Supreme Court in Alice Springs last week after pleading guilty to manslaughter.
The court heard the teenager was treated in hospital for injuries sustained from payback, after she stabbed her partner in the left thigh, severing the femoral artery.
The wound was 11cm deep.
Defence lawyer Tania Collins said it was then, in November 2011, the offender was informed she was pregnant.
Ms Collins said it was one of the most tragic cases to come before the Supreme Court in Central Australia.
On the night of the stabbing the offender had been drinking with friends when she and the deceased, who had been in a relationship for about six months, had a jealous fight at Hidden Valley Town Camp.
The court heard the deceased told the offender he did not want to continue the relationship, and would return to Willowra, 340km northwest of Alice Springs.
The offender then fatally stabbed her partner. He collapsed and an ambulance was called by his father who witnessed the attack, but attempts to revive him failed.

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